Hop Culture & Brew Co. Beer and Cheese Pairing

A partnership that was built on farming and fermentation. Our brewery neighbors are less than a year into their journey of growing hops and selling brews on site but they have surely made a mark on the CT brewery scene. It was only natural that we would come together for a unique event that combine the likes of our cheese and their brews. Our pairing notes are provided so one could take themselves on the same pairing tour!


Bend & Snap (Blonde Ale 5%) with Womanchego

Womanchego is our two time American Cheese Society Award winner with a mild, slightly fruity flavor and supple texture. Perfect for snacking or sandwiches. Pairs well with the Blonde Ale with has a subtle sweetness from local two row pale ale malt from Rooster Malt and the mild biscuit flavor from adjunct malts used used for this beer.

Agricultrice (Saison 6%) with Hooligan

Hooligan is a moderately pungent washed rind cheese in the style of French and Belgian monastery cheeses. Gallo Award Winner! It pairs nicely with the fruity esters and clove finish of the Saison. We believe the funky nature of Hooligan can only be matched by a funky nature-d beer such as Agricultrice.


Get Em Boots (Stout 5%) with Black Ledge Blue

Black Ledge Blue is creamy and medium strong. It is ideal for pairing with dark beers, melting over steak, or enjoying in a salad. Get em Boots lends well to this blue because of its dense chocolate notes and subtle roasted finish. The combination of the two coming together in a roasted nuts style of way.

MIMF (New England IPA 7%) with Bloomsday

Bloomsday is our most popular cheese, offering hints of a cheddary bite balanced with a nutty sweetness which complements the strong grapefruit and citrus notes from the hops used in the MIMF.

Hop of Shame (Double IPA 8%) with Dutch Farmstead

Dutch Farmstead highlights our rich Jersey milk. Its creamy texture and butter flavor cuts through the hoppiness of the double IPA, while its lactic notes complement the citrus flavors in the beer.

Hop Culture & Brew Co. is a family owned hop farm and brewery that focuses on the ideas of beer’s agricultural roots and traditions to follow. The motto of the farm is “Great Beer Grows Here”, and that belief is shared among those who enjoy brews there on Saturday & Sundays.
